
I. Linux

1. mkvtoolnix - Xuất Sub từ file mkv hàng loạt:

Vị trí file srt được xuất ra sẽ nằm cùng với thư mục chứa file mkv.

Lệnh cài đặt mkvtoolnix trên Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install mkvtoolnix

Tạo tệp lệnh (ex: với kịch bản như bên dưới:

(Đổi đường dẫn thư mục thành thư mục chứa file mkv của bạn: root_dir="/mnt/sda1/00. Media/Movies")


# Extract English subtitles from each MKV file in the given directory and its subdirectories

# Directory containing MKV files and its subdirectories

root_dir="/mnt/sda1/00. Media/Movies"

# Find all MKV files in the root directory and its subdirs

find "$root_dir" -type f -name '*.mkv' | while read -r filename


  echo "Processing $filename..."

  # Check if any .srt file already exists in the same directory

  if [[ -n $(find "$(dirname "$filename")" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.srt") ]]; then

    echo "Skipping $filename - .srt file already exists"



  # Find out which tracks contain subtitles

  mkvmerge -i "$filename" | grep 'subtitles (SubRip/SRT)' | while read -r subline


    # Extract track number of subtitles

    tracknumber=$(echo "$subline" | egrep -o "[0-9]{1,2}" | head -1)

    # Generate base name for subtitle file


    # Extract the subtitle track to a .tmp file

    mkvextract tracks "$filename" $tracknumber:"$"

    chmod g+rw "$"

    # Perform language detection (very basic)

    langtest=$(egrep -ic ' you | to | the ' "$subtitlename".srt.tmp)

    # Check if subtitle passes our language filter (10 or more matches)

    if [ $langtest -ge 10 ]; then

      # Regex to remove credits at the end of subtitles (read my reason why!)

      #`sed 's/\r//g' < "$" \

       # | sed 's/%/%%/g' \

       # | awk '{if (a){printf("\t")};printf $0; a=1; } /^$/{print ""; a=0;}' \

       # | grep -iv "$trimregex" \

       # | sed 's/\t/\r\n/g' > "$"`

      #`rm "$"`

      #`chmod g+rw "$"`

      #If subtitle is English, rename the .tmp file to .srt

      mv "$" "$" > /dev/null 2>&1

      chmod g+rw "$"

      echo "Successfully extracted English subtitles to $"


      # If not English, keep the original subtitle track with a modified filename

      mv "$" "$subtitlename.$" > /dev/null 2>&1

      echo "Non-English subtitles detected and kept as $subtitlename.$"




echo "Subtitle extraction completed!"

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